Shared Platforms

Brighouse and Rastrick TH2014 smallVery often the concert platform is shared with guest soloists, orchestras and other musical ensembles and in many cases, of course, a band. As we are based in West Yorkshire, where there is such a strong banding tradition, it is usually a brass band. This may be an ensemble from one of the local villages to bands of national and international repute and  of premier award winning status.

The Choir’s Music Committee seems to have an uncanny knack of booking what is, arguably, the best Brass Band in the World  for our big Christmas Concert at Huddersfield Town Hall.  The last few years have seen us working with Brighouse and Rastrick Band –  probably the best there is!

They are booked again to join us at December 2024

We are particularly excited about working with local youth talent. Such opportunities are frequent nowadays. As well as being hugely enjoyable for all concerned, it is a chance for us to encourage youngsters as they embark on their musical careers.  We are fortunate that our Musical Director’s day job was (prior to him leaving in 2023) Principal of the renowned Kirklees Music School – Musica Kirklees – so opportunities for joint work with children’ groups still arise quite often.  Who knows what the kids make of us – but we love it!

Colne Valley and Lindley 235 smallandcroppedWe have enjoyed many performances with young singers from the wonderful Lindley Junior School Choir.

They have achieved national prominence for the excellence of their music.  As the final of one  recent joint concert, Colne Valley men and the Lindley children spread out all around the audience to sing the haunting, ‘Irish Blessing’.  Magic!

Sometimes we do perform alone, but even then we are fortunate to be able to call on a number of extremely capable vocal and instrumental soloists from within the Choir and even a raconteur of exceptional wit, all adding extra variety to an already varied musical programme.
